Sephardim Pages
Welcome to our most extensive design gallery. If you are wondering what we can create from limited family information, these pages are an example. Here we highlight a series of pages about the Sephardic roots of Michael Beyo. He came to us with the following information rooted in family lore:
Before the Spanish Inquisition in 1492, the Beyo family lived in Spain and went by the name of Bechar. Family tradition is that the Beyos were cattlemen and cheese makers from the Beyo region of northern Spain. When the family escaped to Turkey during the Inquisition, they changed their name to Beyoglou (son of the bey, son/children of the governor) because the Turkish authorities asked where they were from and they told them that they were from the Beyo region. Beyo and bey sound similar, and bey, in Turkish, means governor.
Not surprisingly, we were unable to find firm genealogical documentation of these facts. However, as we did location research, the circumstantial evidence to support the family lore became compelling. Follow our journey through the images and notes below.